Base Components
Command Menu empowers users to swiftly execute searches on any page, thereby streamlining their workflow.
npm install cmdk @radix-ui/react-dialog
// AlignUI CommandMenu v0.0.0 'use client'; import * as React from 'react'; import { type DialogProps } from '@radix-ui/react-dialog'; import { Command } from 'cmdk'; import * as Modal from '@/components/ui/modal'; import { cn, cnExt } from '@/utils/cn'; import { PolymorphicComponentProps } from '@/utils/polymorphic'; import { tv, type VariantProps } from '@/utils/tv'; const CommandDialogTitle = Modal.Title; const CommandDialogDescription = Modal.Description; const CommandDialog = ({ children, className, overlayClassName, }: DialogProps & { className?: string; overlayClassName?: string; }) => { return ( <Modal.Root {}> <Modal.Content overlayClassName={cn('justify-start pt-20', overlayClassName)} showClose={false} className={cnExt( 'flex max-h-full max-w-[600px] flex-col overflow-hidden rounded-2xl', className, )} > <Command className={cnExt( 'divide-y divide-stroke-soft-200', 'grid min-h-0 auto-cols-auto grid-flow-row', '[&>[cmdk-label]+*]:!border-t-0', )} > {children} </Command> </Modal.Content> </Modal.Root> ); }; const CommandInput = React.forwardRef< React.ComponentRef<typeof Command.Input>, React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof Command.Input> >(({ className, }, forwardedRef) => { return ( <Command.Input ref={forwardedRef} className={cnExt( // base 'w-full bg-transparent text-paragraph-sm text-text-strong-950 outline-none', 'transition duration-200 ease-out', // placeholder 'placeholder:[transition:inherit]', 'placeholder:text-text-soft-400', // hover 'group-hover/cmd-input:placeholder:text-text-sub-600', // focus 'focus:outline-none', className, )} {} /> ); }); CommandInput.displayName = 'CommandInput'; const CommandList = React.forwardRef< React.ComponentRef<typeof Command.List>, React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof Command.List> >(({ className, }, forwardedRef) => { return ( <Command.List ref={forwardedRef} className={cnExt( 'flex max-h-min min-h-0 flex-1 flex-col', '[&>[cmdk-list-sizer]]:divide-y [&>[cmdk-list-sizer]]:divide-stroke-soft-200', '[&>[cmdk-list-sizer]]:overflow-auto', className, )} {} /> ); }); CommandList.displayName = 'CommandList'; const CommandGroup = React.forwardRef< React.ComponentRef<typeof Command.Group>, React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof Command.Group> >(({ className, }, forwardedRef) => { return ( <Command.Group ref={forwardedRef} className={cnExt( 'relative px-2 py-3', // heading '[&>[cmdk-group-heading]]:text-label-xs [&>[cmdk-group-heading]]:text-text-sub-600', '[&>[cmdk-group-heading]]:mb-2 [&>[cmdk-group-heading]]:px-3 [&>[cmdk-group-heading]]:pt-1', className, )} {} /> ); }); CommandGroup.displayName = 'CommandGroup'; const commandItemVariants = tv({ base: [ 'flex items-center gap-3 rounded-10 bg-bg-white-0', 'cursor-pointer text-paragraph-sm text-text-strong-950', 'transition duration-200 ease-out', // hover/selected 'data-[selected=true]:bg-bg-weak-50', ], variants: { size: { small: 'px-3 py-2.5', medium: 'px-3 py-3', }, }, defaultVariants: { size: 'small', }, }); type CommandItemProps = VariantProps<typeof commandItemVariants> & React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof Command.Item>; const CommandItem = React.forwardRef< React.ComponentRef<typeof Command.Item>, CommandItemProps >(({ className, size, }, forwardedRef) => { return ( <Command.Item ref={forwardedRef} className={commandItemVariants({ size, class: className })} {} /> ); }); CommandItem.displayName = 'CommandItem'; function CommandItemIcon<T extends React.ElementType>({ className, as, }: PolymorphicComponentProps<T>) { const Component = as || 'div'; return ( <Component className={cnExt('size-5 shrink-0 text-text-sub-600', className)} {} /> ); } function CommandFooter({ className, }: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) { return ( <div className={cnExt( 'flex h-12 items-center justify-between gap-3 px-5', className, )} {} /> ); } function CommandFooterKeyBox({ className, }: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) { return ( <div className={cnExt( 'flex size-5 shrink-0 items-center justify-center rounded bg-bg-weak-50 text-text-sub-600 ring-1 ring-inset ring-stroke-soft-200', className, )} {} /> ); } export { CommandDialog as Dialog, CommandDialogTitle as DialogTitle, CommandDialogDescription as DialogDescription, CommandInput as Input, CommandList as List, CommandGroup as Group, CommandItem as Item, CommandItemIcon as ItemIcon, CommandFooter as Footer, CommandFooterKeyBox as FooterKeyBox, };
This component is based on the cmdk package. Refer to their documentation for the API reference.
The CommandMenu.Dialog component is based on cmdk Command primitive. Wrapped by Modal Content.
The CommandMenu.Input component is based on cmdk Input primitive.
The CommandMenu.Group component is based on cmdk Group primitive.
The CommandMenu.List component is based on cmdk List primitive.
The CommandMenu.Item component is based on cmdk Item primitive. And adds:
The CommandMenu.ItemIcon component is polymorphic, allowing you to change the underlying HTML element using the as prop.
A footer section for the command dialog. This component is based on the <div> element and supports all of its props.
Used within the CommandMenu.Footer to display key information or buttons. This component is based on the <div> element and supports all of its props.