Base Components
Regular buttons with a fancy appearance.
npm install @radix-ui/react-slot
// AlignUI FancyButton v0.0.0 import * as React from 'react'; import { Slot } from '@radix-ui/react-slot'; import { PolymorphicComponentProps } from '@/utils/polymorphic'; import { recursiveCloneChildren } from '@/utils/recursive-clone-children'; import { tv, type VariantProps } from '@/utils/tv'; const FANCY_BUTTON_ROOT_NAME = 'FancyButtonRoot'; const FANCY_BUTTON_ICON_NAME = 'FancyButtonIcon'; export const fancyButtonVariants = tv({ slots: { root: [ // base 'group relative inline-flex items-center justify-center whitespace-nowrap text-label-sm outline-none', 'transition duration-200 ease-out', // focus 'focus:outline-none', // disabled 'disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:text-text-disabled-300', 'disabled:bg-bg-weak-50 disabled:bg-none disabled:shadow-none disabled:before:hidden disabled:after:hidden', ], icon: 'relative z-10 size-5 shrink-0', }, variants: { variant: { neutral: { root: 'bg-bg-strong-950 text-text-white-0 shadow-fancy-buttons-neutral', }, primary: { root: 'bg-primary-base text-static-white shadow-fancy-buttons-primary', }, destructive: { root: 'bg-error-base text-static-white shadow-fancy-buttons-error', }, basic: { root: [ // base 'bg-bg-white-0 text-text-sub-600 shadow-fancy-buttons-stroke', // hover 'hover:bg-bg-weak-50 hover:text-text-strong-950 hover:shadow-none', ], }, }, size: { medium: { root: 'h-10 gap-3 rounded-10 px-3.5', icon: '-mx-1', }, small: { root: 'h-9 gap-3 rounded-lg px-3', icon: '-mx-1', }, xsmall: { root: 'h-8 gap-3 rounded-lg px-2.5', icon: '-mx-1', }, }, }, compoundVariants: [ { variant: ['neutral', 'primary', 'destructive'], class: { root: [ // before 'before:pointer-events-none before:absolute before:inset-0 before:z-10 before:rounded-[inherit]', 'before:bg-gradient-to-b before:p-px', 'before:from-static-white/[.12] before:to-transparent', // before mask 'before:[mask-clip:content-box,border-box] before:[mask-composite:exclude] before:[mask-image:linear-gradient(#fff_0_0),linear-gradient(#fff_0_0)]', // after 'after:absolute after:inset-0 after:rounded-[inherit] after:bg-gradient-to-b after:from-static-white after:to-transparent', 'after:pointer-events-none after:opacity-[.16] after:transition after:duration-200 after:ease-out', // hover 'hover:after:opacity-[.24]', ], }, }, ], defaultVariants: { variant: 'neutral', size: 'medium', }, }); type FancyButtonSharedProps = VariantProps<typeof fancyButtonVariants>; type FancyButtonProps = VariantProps<typeof fancyButtonVariants> & React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> & { asChild?: boolean; }; const FancyButtonRoot = React.forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement, FancyButtonProps>( ({ asChild, children, variant, size, className, }, forwardedRef) => { const uniqueId = React.useId(); const Component = asChild ? Slot : 'button'; const { root } = fancyButtonVariants({ variant, size }); const sharedProps: FancyButtonSharedProps = { variant, size, }; const extendedChildren = recursiveCloneChildren( children as React.ReactElement[], sharedProps, [FANCY_BUTTON_ICON_NAME], uniqueId, asChild, ); return ( <Component ref={forwardedRef} className={root({ class: className })} {} > {extendedChildren} </Component> ); }, ); FancyButtonRoot.displayName = FANCY_BUTTON_ROOT_NAME; function FancyButtonIcon<T extends React.ElementType>({ className, variant, size, as, }: PolymorphicComponentProps<T, FancyButtonSharedProps>) { const Component = as || 'div'; const { icon } = fancyButtonVariants({ variant, size }); return <Component className={icon({ class: className })} {} />; } FancyButtonIcon.displayName = FANCY_BUTTON_ICON_NAME; export { FancyButtonRoot as Root, FancyButtonIcon as Icon };
This component is based on the <button> element and supports all of its props. And adds:
The FancyButton.Icon component is polymorphic, allowing you to change the underlying HTML element using the as prop.