Base Components
Renders a textarea with custom resize handle and character length display.
// AlignUI Textarea v0.0.0 import * as React from 'react'; import { cnExt } from '@/utils/cn'; const TEXTAREA_ROOT_NAME = 'TextareaRoot'; const TEXTAREA_NAME = 'Textarea'; const TEXTAREA_RESIZE_HANDLE_NAME = 'TextareaResizeHandle'; const TEXTAREA_COUNTER_NAME = 'TextareaCounter'; const Textarea = React.forwardRef< HTMLTextAreaElement, React.TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement> & { hasError?: boolean; simple?: boolean; } >(({ className, hasError, simple, disabled, }, forwardedRef) => { return ( <textarea className={cnExt( [ // base 'block w-full resize-none text-paragraph-sm text-text-strong-950 outline-none', !simple && [ 'pointer-events-auto h-full min-h-[82px] bg-transparent pl-3 pr-2.5 pt-2.5', ], simple && [ 'min-h-28 rounded-xl bg-bg-white-0 px-3 py-2.5 shadow-regular-xs', 'ring-1 ring-inset ring-stroke-soft-200', 'transition duration-200 ease-out', // hover 'hover:[&:not(:focus)]:bg-bg-weak-50', !hasError && [ // hover 'hover:[&:not(:focus)]:ring-transparent', // focus 'focus:shadow-button-important-focus focus:ring-stroke-strong-950', ], hasError && [ // base 'ring-error-base', // focus 'focus:shadow-button-error-focus focus:ring-error-base', ], disabled && ['bg-bg-weak-50 ring-transparent'], ], !disabled && [ // placeholder 'placeholder:select-none placeholder:text-text-soft-400 placeholder:transition placeholder:duration-200 placeholder:ease-out', // hover placeholder 'group-hover/textarea:placeholder:text-text-sub-600', // focus 'focus:outline-none', // focus placeholder 'focus:placeholder:text-text-sub-600', ], disabled && [ // disabled 'text-text-disabled-300 placeholder:text-text-disabled-300', ], ], className, )} ref={forwardedRef} disabled={disabled} {} /> ); }); Textarea.displayName = TEXTAREA_NAME; function ResizeHandle() { return ( <div className='pointer-events-none size-3 cursor-s-resize'> <svg width='12' height='12' viewBox='0 0 12 12' fill='none' xmlns='' > <path d='M9.11111 2L2 9.11111M10 6.44444L6.44444 10' className='stroke-text-soft-400' /> </svg> </div> ); } ResizeHandle.displayName = TEXTAREA_RESIZE_HANDLE_NAME; type TextareaProps = React.TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement> & ( | { simple: true; children?: never; containerClassName?: never; hasError?: boolean; } | { simple?: false; children?: React.ReactNode; containerClassName?: string; hasError?: boolean; } ); const TextareaRoot = React.forwardRef<HTMLTextAreaElement, TextareaProps>( ( { containerClassName, children, hasError, simple, }, forwardedRef, ) => { if (simple) { return ( <Textarea ref={forwardedRef} simple hasError={hasError} {} /> ); } return ( <div className={cnExt( [ // base 'group/textarea relative flex w-full flex-col rounded-xl bg-bg-white-0 pb-2.5 shadow-regular-xs', 'ring-1 ring-inset ring-stroke-soft-200', 'transition duration-200 ease-out', // hover 'hover:[&:not(:focus-within)]:bg-bg-weak-50', // disabled 'has-[[disabled]]:pointer-events-none has-[[disabled]]:bg-bg-weak-50 has-[[disabled]]:ring-transparent', ], !hasError && [ // hover 'hover:[&:not(:focus-within)]:ring-transparent', // focus 'focus-within:shadow-button-important-focus focus-within:ring-stroke-strong-950', ], hasError && [ // base 'ring-error-base', // focus 'focus-within:shadow-button-error-focus focus-within:ring-error-base', ], containerClassName, )} > <div className='grid'> <div className='pointer-events-none relative z-10 flex flex-col gap-2 [grid-area:1/1]'> <Textarea ref={forwardedRef} hasError={hasError} {} /> <div className='pointer-events-none flex items-center justify-end gap-1.5 pl-3 pr-2.5'> {children} <ResizeHandle /> </div> </div> <div className='min-h-full resize-y overflow-hidden opacity-0 [grid-area:1/1]' /> </div> </div> ); }, ); TextareaRoot.displayName = TEXTAREA_ROOT_NAME; function CharCounter({ current, max, className, }: { current?: number; max?: number; } & React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>) { if (current === undefined || max === undefined) return null; const isError = current > max; return ( <span className={cnExt( 'text-subheading-2xs text-text-soft-400', // disabled 'group-has-[[disabled]]/textarea:text-text-disabled-300', { 'text-error-base': isError, }, className, )} > {current}/{max} </span> ); } CharCounter.displayName = TEXTAREA_COUNTER_NAME; export { TextareaRoot as Root, CharCounter };
A single textarea element without a custom resize handle or character counter.
Simple textarea with built-in resize handle.
Simple textarea with error styles.
Simple textarea with disabled styles.
This component is based on the <textarea> element and supports all of its props. And adds:
Displays the current and maximum number of characters in a textarea.
This component is based on the <span> element and supports all of its props. And adds: